发布:有风 / 时间:2020-10-16
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We Are The World发布时间:2020-10-16

概要:歌曲名称《We Are The World》,曲调:1=E,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《We Are The World》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:There comes a time// when we heed a cer/tain// call When the world must come to ge ther as one/ There are peo ple dy/ing/ And it's time to lend/ a hand/ to /life/ The grea test gift/ of all/ truth, you know Love is all/ we need/ We are the world,/ we are the chil/dren/ We are the ones/ who make a brigh ter/ day/ So let's/ start gi/ving/ There's a choice we're mak/ing/ We're sa ving our/ own lives/ It's true we'll make/ a bet/ter day/ Just you/ and me/ When you're down and out, /there seems no hope/ at all/ But if you just be lieve/ there's no way we/ can fall/ Let's rea li ze/ that a change can/ on ly come// When we stand to ge ther as one We are the world,/ we are the chil/dren/ We are the ones/ who make a brigh ter/ day/ So let's/ start gi/ving/ There's a choice we're mak/ing/ We're sa ving our/ own lives/ It's true we'll make/ a bet/ter day/ Just you/ and me/We can't go on// /pre ten ding day /by day// That some one, some where will soon make a change/ We are all a part/of/ God's /great big fa/mi ly/ And the Send them your heart// so they'll know that some/ one cares// And their lives will be/ stron ger and free// As God has shown/ us// by turn ing stone/ to bread/ so we all must /lend a help/ ing hand

曲谱:\n{play:A B1 A B2 A B2 C}\nA:\n2xx3xx2xx(3xx(3)-3x)2xx3xx|\n4x4xx(5xx5x)5xx(3xx(3)3x)3xx2xx|\n1.3x2.x1xx2xx1xx2xx(3xx|3)--3x5x|\n5x3xx(3xx3xx)(3x.3.)3xx5xx|\n\n5x5xx(5xx5xx)4x(3xx3.)3xx2xx|\nB1:\n1.1xx1xx4x3xx(4xx4xx)4x(5xx|5)---|\nB2:\n1.1xx1xx4x3xx(4xx4xx)4x(5xx|\n5)-0x.3gxx2gx1gxx(5xx|5)00x.3gxx2gx1gxx(5xx|\n5x)(5x5)0x.3gxx2gx1gxx(5xx|\n5xx)4xx5xx4xx5xx(7xx1gxx)(7xx7x)1gxx(2gxx2gxx)7x(5xx|\n5x)(5x5)03gx5gx|5gx3gxx(3gxx3gxx)(3gx.3g)0x5gx|\n\n5gx5gxx(5gxx5gxx)4gx(3gxx3g)0x2gxx1gxx|\n1gxx5xx1gxx5xx(1gxx2gxx)3gxx(2gxx2gx)1gxx(1gxx1gxx)7x(1gxx|\n1g)-\nC:\n00x1gxx1gxx|\n3gxb3gxx(3gxx3gx.)1gxx4gx4gxx(3gxx3gxx)2gx(1gxx|1g)000xx1gxx1gxx1gxx|\n3gxb3gxx(3gxx3gx.)1gxx4gx4gxx(3gxx3gxx)2gx(1gxx|1g)001gx7x|\n5x3gxx(3gxx3g)-(3:0x5gx5gx)|5gx5gxx(5gxx5gxx)4gx(3gxx3g)0x2gx|\n1g04gx.3gxx4gxx3gxx4gx|5g-\n\n0x.3gxx2gx1gxx(5xx|5)00x.3gxx2gx1gxx(5xx|\n5x)(5x5)0x.3gxx2gx1gxx(5xx|\n5xx)4xx5xx4xx5xx(7xx1gxx)(7xx7x)1gxx(2gxx2gxx)7x(5xx|\n5x)(5x5)03gx5gx|5gx3gxx(3gxx3gxx)(3gx.3g)0x5gx|\n\n5gx5gxx(5gxx5gxx)4gx(3gxx3g)0x2gxx1gxx|\n1gxx5xx1gxx5xx(1gxx2gxx)3gxx(2gxx2gx)1gxx(1gxx1gxx)7x(1gxx|\n1g)-|||